Our Team
Dr. Vered Shakuf
IDC Herzliya

Dr. Vered Shakuf is a Senior Researcher at the CANlab and a Senior Lecturer at Achva Academic College. She received her PhD in cognitive psychology from Tel-Aviv University on 2016. Her research interests focus on Audiology, Psychophysics, Aging and Embodied Cognition. She currently manages two large research grants: Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) grant on processing of emotions in sign language, and a joint Israeli-German research grant focused on the perception of emotions in spoken languages across cultures, funded by the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF).
Ms. Dalith Tal Shir
IDC herzeliya

Dalith is a graduate student in clinical psychology at Reichman University, where she also completed her Bachelor of Science degree in psychology.
At the IDC she is advised by Prof. Boaz Ben David, and co-adviced by Dr. Maor Zeev-Wolf from Ben-Gurion University's Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience. Under their guidance, she investigates the online processing of spoken words in neurotypicals and individuals with schizophrenia, using the Visual World eye-tracking paradigm.
Along-side her research work, Dalith manages the technical operations of eye tracker studies in the lab
Publications and recent conferences:
Albelda, N., Simkins, C., Tal-Shir, D., & Levit-Binnun, N. (2018). At the End of the Day, Are Screens Good or Bad for You? A Critical Review of Randomized Controlled Studies.
Ms.Tami Harel-Arbeli
University of Haifa

Tami Harel-ArbeliPhD student, Gerontology department in Haifa university. Tami's research centers on speech perception in aging, and especially on older adults' use of contextual information in language processing. She is interested in the cognitive costs and benefits in the use of context. In the lab she uses an eye tracker to explore online language processing in older and younger adults.
Outside the lab, Tami is an audiologist working for a startup company developing solutions to improve speech understanding in noise and she teaches speech perception in Achva academic college.
She has a B.A and M.A in communication disorders from Tel Aviv University.
Mr. Lior Tidhar
Tel-Aviv University

Lior Tidhar is a Social psychologist specializing in interpersonal relationships. Currently, as a Ph.d Student, Lior's research examines the influence of stereotypes and intergroup relations on the perception of emotions in speech. Specifically, he studies how age, gender and ethnic stereotypes change the way we perceive the emotion expressed by the stereotyped speaker.
He has additional interest in Embodied Cognition Theory and also in new technologies used in the social-cognition field of study.
Mrs. Tali Lavin
IDC HerzelIya

Mrs. Tali Rubin Livne is a project manager in the CAN lab at Reichman University.
She recruits candidates for our research about "Attention in Aging" and "Enhancing Cognition in Aging" on healty aged population.
She also develops a program that educates older people to improve their :memory, cognition and attention capabilities. This program is adequate for professionals as well.
Mr. Yehuda Dor
Tel-Aviv University

Yehuda Dor completed his M.A. in Clinical Psychology at the Hebrew University in 2015, and a Clinical psychology internship at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center in 2020. He is currently a Ph.D. student at Tel-Aviv University, a researcher at the CANlab in Reichman University and a clinical psychologist in private practice. His research interests are the cognitive, sensory and emotional processes underlying effective communication, the processing of emotional cues in speech, and various domains involved at age-related differences in speech perception.
Ms.Gal Nitsan
University of Haifa
Gal is a PhD student at the University of Haifa, she also works as a speech and language pathologist at an Early Childhood Development Center.
She holds a B.A in Communication Disorders from Tel-Aviv University, and completed her M.A at the University of Haifa.
Gal is interested in individual differences in speech perception and in the interplay between top-down and bottom-up processes within speech perception in aging. Her research uses eye-tracking to explore the on-line processing of spoken language.
Publications and recent conferences:
Nitsan, G., Wingfield, A., Lavie, L., & Ben-David, B. M. (2019). Differences in Working Memory Capacity Affect Online Spoken Word Recognition: Evidence from Eye-Movements. Trends in Hearing, 23, 2331216519839624
Nitsan, G., Banai, K., & Ben-David, B. M. (2020).
The Effects of Working Memory Load and Working Memory Capacity on Online Spoken Word Recognition: Evidence From Eye Movements. Presented at the 12th Speech in Noise Workshop organized by European research group within the speech and hearing community, Toulouse, France.
Ms. Maya Mentzel
Tel-Aviv University

Maya holds an MA in cognitive psychology from Tel Aviv University and a B.A in psychology from the Reichman University, in the Honors excellence program. For the past 5 years, she is the lab manager at CABlab headed by Professor Boaz Ben David, who is also her co-mentor for her Ph.D., along with Profesor Amir Amedi.
Her current research in the lab focuses on the integration of the auditory and tactile senses and perception of speech in noise.
Ms. Rony lemel
IDC Herzliya
Rony Lemel Graduated her BA at the Reichman University in Psychology and Business Administration 2020.
Rony is a researcher in CANlab, currently in process of publishing her first article about the effect of individuals with ADHD on speech processing, using the eye-tracker to explore the on-line processes of spoken language.
Rony's interests are individuals with ADHD where there are distractions and daily noises around.
Rony is planning to do her MA in Clinical Psychology.
Publications and recent conferences:
Lemel, R., Ben-David, B. M. (Feb 2020). ADHD Speech and Eye movements. Measuring the effects of ADHD on speech processing using eye movements. 7th Israeli Conference on Cognitive Research, Acco.
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+ 972-9-9527272

8 Hauniversita St Herzliya, P.O.Box 167, 4610101, Israel